Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Jimi Hendrix The Wind Cries Mary (w/lyrics)

After all the jacks are in their boxes,
and the clowns have all gone to bed,
you can hear happiness staggering on down the street,
footprints dress in red.

And the wind whispers Mary.

A broom is drearily sweeping
up the broken pieces of yesterday's life.
Somewhere a Queen is weeping,
somewhere a King has no wife.

And the wind it cries Mary.

The traffic lights they turn blue tomorrow
And shine their emptiness down on my bed,
The tiny island sags downstream
'Cos the life that they lived is dead.

And the wind screams Mary.

Will the wind ever remember
The names it has blown in the past,
And with this crutch, its old age and its wisdom
It whispers, "No, this will be the last."

And The Wind Cries Mary.

A Mighty Wind (2003) HQ trailer

Scary boys and girls Scary

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Earth Wind and Fire "Clover"

Being a half Wit is better than no wit at all

Driving in the freezing rain today. Boy this is entirely different from driving in the blazing sun.
 I’m trying to remember to stop and pick up my wife's prescription. My brain is like the Dead Sea Scrolls full of esoteric information but lots of holes in it. It's hard to remember things. I can be perfectly aware that I need to stop at the Kroger and pick up a prescription and then totally forget it once I finally get to Kroger then drive right past it then I'll turn around and go back. Something will come in my mind and I'll drive right past it a second time. I blame it on chemo brain. I had taken two rounds of chemo and radiation.
I miss the most obvious things but can explain in extreme detail how a particular politician is deceiving us by slight falsehood or which detail they are omitting.

It sure is windy in NYC

- Posted using BlogPress & Pad Mae

Monday, October 29, 2012

Romney's Storm Tips

"People across the Eastern Seaboard are on high alert as Hurricane Sandy makes her way up the coast, but luckily there's a Twitter account out there to calm everyone's nerves.
It's called Romney's Storm Tips, and it takes the logic we've all come to expect from the GOP candidate and applies it to this current natural disaster.
We've rounded up a few of our favorites below, but if you'd like to do something to actually help the victims of Sandy, visit the Red Cross."
                                                                          from the

The twitter feed

Rodney's storm tips on Facebook

TV ads up the profits

Here in Kentucky our local television stations are raking in mucho dinero
From Ben Chandler & his Repugnant challenger's fight to convince us which one is the biggest whore to the coal Barons; meanwhile back down south in Florida the airwaves are jammed with constant extremely nasty Presidential attack ads to the extent we in Kentucky can not even imagine.

Choice but no real choice

Our choices for president:
1. O Bad ma
2. Mitt Worse
3. Still Fine - but shes not in the club so she won't have a shot at being elected.

Sandy is making me feel right at home

Back in FLA, my sweet Melissa was the self appointed Hurricane prep officer. She purchased flashlights, placed them in every room. Portable radios all had fresh batteries. She prepared Maps to Bug out shelters that could provide the special needs of our two elderly household members. Melissa made sure the grill had a full tank of propane and the cars were always topped off with gas.

Now that we are back in Kentucky, Hurricane Sandy decided to travel north way up the coast to remind us of life back down south. Sandy's waving hello; Close enough for us to feel the wind but hanging far enough away not to cause damage here in the Bluegrass.
Thanks Sandy

- Posted using BlogPress on Pad Mae Song

Sunday, October 28, 2012

I do Remember...

I had become accustomed to...

Key to Socialized Living

                                                                     Douglas Wray
Hmm, maybe I can adjust to living in the deciduous forest region with the help of a toasty fire.

Apocalyptic in the neighborhood

Seeing as how we must be in the beginning of the apocalypse with the leaves turning colors and falling off the trees, I'm stocking up on firewood. I heard people burn it if things get really bad and the temperature drops. So I started cutting down that large oak in my neighbors yard. He came out of his house screaming " What the Hell are you doing?"
I told my distraught neighbor "The trees are dying, see the leaves falling off onto the ground. So we might as well cut em down." 
Strange he didn't even thank me.