Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Being a half Wit is better than no wit at all


Driving in the freezing rain today. Boy this is entirely different from driving in the blazing sun.
 I’m trying to remember to stop and pick up my wife's prescription. My brain is like the Dead Sea Scrolls full of esoteric information but lots of holes in it. It's hard to remember things. I can be perfectly aware that I need to stop at the Kroger and pick up a prescription and then totally forget it once I finally get to Kroger then drive right past it then I'll turn around and go back. Something will come in my mind and I'll drive right past it a second time. I blame it on chemo brain. I had taken two rounds of chemo and radiation.
I miss the most obvious things but can explain in extreme detail how a particular politician is deceiving us by slight falsehood or which detail they are omitting.

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